- 图形绘画中的3d网格图-graphic painting of 3d grid map
- 3D波动网格,不使用DirectX,在窗口中画显示波动3D网格效果!-3D grid fluctuations, the use of DirectX, in the window painting shows fluctuations 3D mesh effect!
- 此资料介绍的是:利用OpenGL实现三维地形可 视化,采用Delaunay三角化法得到地形采样点,并用已知数据对三角曲面进行插值加密,生成规则格网(GRID)数据结构的方法,可得到高度真实感的三维地形可视化效果。 -The data presented are: the use of OpenGL for three-dimensional terrain visualization, using Delaunay triangulation method to be terrain
- ISAAC采用多块网格技术求解二维或三维的Euler或者NS方程,并且提供了大量的湍流模型供使用,为相关研究人员提供了很好的参考。-ISAAC solves 2D or 3D Euler or NS equatioon based on a multiblock grid technique, also lots of turbulence models is included in the code. ISAAC provides a good reference for relative r
- nonrigid_version10: Registration of two 2D images or 3D volumes both rigid and non-rigid with smooth b-spline grid without landmarks
- 3D网格绘制正方体案例,运用MESH来实现。-3D grid mapping cube cases, the use of MESH to achieve.
- Registration of two 2D/3D images, rigid and with smooth b-spline grid.
- 3D FDTD simulation of slot antennas
- Program that finds the 16 green dots in a 3d grid for camera calibration and assossiotes with the metric measures in a txt file, for later use in calibration procedure
- 交互式的matlab plot绘图工具,绘制二维三维图形.-QPLOT interactive ploting program Qplot opens a standadr MATLAB figure with three options added to the menu bar: Qfile, Qoptions and Qgraph. Under Qfile you can read data files (text or Excel). Under Qoptions you can
- finite element method- *********************************************************************** 3-D FDTD code with PEC boundaries *********************************************************************** Program author: Susan
- 给出三维点云的X,Y,Z坐标,重构出三维图像,其中用到了三角网格法和规则化坐标法。-Given 3D point cloud X, Y, Z coordinates, three-dimensional reconstructed images, which uses a triangular coordinate grid method and rules of law.
- 实现了点云的三维网格化重建,并附上了些测试点云数据-Realized three-dimensional grid point cloud reconstruction, along with some test point cloud data
- The files in this directory will be replaced by new versions some time in the future. Check this file for information on latest update. The following files are presently included: GRID.F This file contains a code for generating 3D Cartesi
- VB编程模块设计3D网格化代码VB programming code module design 3D grid -VB programming code module design 3D grid
- Peric书中附带的所有源码,包括同位网交错网格在2d,3d的层流算法,还有附带的并行算法,拉普拉斯算法等,具体参考readme文件-Peric book with all the source code, including the coordinates with a staggered grid in the 2d, 3d of the laminar flow algorithm, as well as with the parallel algorithm, Laplace algor
- 非常能帮您锻炼三维空间思考能力。创意来源于北京科技馆,只要在5*5*5的方格中,上下左右斜对角线和对顶角线的方向上有4个子,即可获胜。-It can help you exercise the ability to think three-dimensional space a lot. Creativity comes from the Beijing Science and Technology Museum.As long as in 5* 5* 5 grid, up and down t
- Hexahedral grid in a unit cube is generated and written as unstructured/finite-element data in a UGRID 3D unstructured grid file. It may be useful for those who want to learn a typical data structure of unstructured grids.
- 基于VC 6.0 开发的demo程序,实现通过Opengl 来绘制出3D的人体模型,可切换网格视图或者光滑面视图-VC 6.0 to develop a demo program to achieve Opengl draw the 3D model of the human body can switch between grid view or the view of the smooth surface
- openGL,提供了几个OBJ格式的3D格网数据,装入并显示这些文件.-openGL, provides several OBJ format 3D grid data, load and display these files.