- svmstruct is a Support Vector Machine (svm) algorithm for predicting multivariate or structured outputs. It performs supervised learning by approximating a mapping h: X --> Y using labeled training examples (x1,y1), ..., (xn,yn). Unlike regula
- 介绍基于svm模型的语音识别方法的处理与研究,通过把svm 与DCT相结合来进行语音的识别。-Introduced the svm model based on speech recognition method of treatment and research, through the combination of svm with the DCT for speech recognition.
- 这是一个很好的支持向量机工具箱,它可用于模式识别,图像识别,文字识别,语音识别和手写体识别等领域。-This is a very good support vector machine toolbox, it can be used for pattern recognition, image recognition, text recognition, speech recognition and handwriting recognition and other fields.
- 文中详细介绍了一种基于GMM 与 svm的说话人识别系统。包括特征提取,算法实现及实验数据。对语音处理及说话人识别技术的研究者很有帮助。-Introduce a novel speake identification system based on GMM and svm,with feature extract,algorithm research and experiment data.This doc would be helpful to those who are working on
- MIT大学的机器学习课程讲稿,很经典的!包括分类,回归,判别式学习,产生式学习,svm等,基本上包括常用的机器学习算法-MIT University of speech machine learning curriculum, it is classic! Including classification, regression, discriminant study, resulting in learning, svm, etc., basically including the commo
- svmstruct is a Support Vector Machine (svm) algorithm for predicting multivariate or structured outputs. It performs supervised learning by approximating a mapping h: X --> Y using labeled training examples (x1,y1), ..., (xn,yn). Unlike reg
- Write a MATLAB program that uses the auto-correlation pitch detection method and output the pitch of the speech wave file given.
- 本程序为EMD-HHT-M源代码,供大家交流学习,语音识别专用代码-This program is EMD-HHT-M source code for all to share learning, speech recognition-specific code
- 利用svm算法来进行中文文本的分类,如一句话里有各种词性的词语则可以进行分类处理-Using svm algorithm for Chinese text categorization, such as a word in a variety of terms can be part of speech classification
- A speech Recognition System based on a Hybrid HMM/svm Architecture.A good paper on hybrid model of speech recgnition
- 这是一个GMM模型的语音识别代码 非常详细 而且实用。-This is a GMM model for speech recognition is very detailed and useful code.
- applications of svm in speech Recgonition
- 建立了普通话语音性别数据库,提出联合梅尔频率频谱系数(Mel2f requency Cep st rum Coefficient s , MFCC) 的特征提取方法和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine , svm) 的分类方法进行说话人性别识别,并与其它分类方法进行比较。-A Chinese speech ( mandarin ) database was established for speaker s gender recognition. A combina
- MATLAB結合HTK的特徵擷取應用svm函式 的實際範例 並且可達到即時錄音辨識 輸出 前三個語音辨識的機率 -MATLAB with HTK feature extraction practical examples of application of svm function and can reach the probability of the first three speech recognition in the real-time recording identificat
- 本实例程序是基于matlab的语音识别程序,通过提取传统的MFCC特征集,采用当前流行的svm分类器,作为对比实验是一个不错的选择。-This example program is popular svm classifier matlab speech recognition program to extract MFCC feature set, as a comparative experiment is a good choice.
- Feature Extraction for speech Processing and svm Classification of Voice Samples. This package contains Feature Extraction and Classification Matlab codes and some turkish voice records.
- 调信息在汉语语音识别中具有非常重要的意义。采用支持向量机对连续汉语连续语音进行声调识别实 验,首先采用基于Teager能量算子和过零率的两级判别策略对连续语音进行浊音段提取,然后建立了适合于支持向 量机分类模型的等维声调特征向量。使用6个二类svm模型对非特定人汉语普通话的4种声调进行分类识别,与 BP神经网络相比,支持向量杌具有更高的识别率。-Tone is an essential component for word formation in Chinese languages
- svm浓缩讲稿,精简地介绍了svm的基本概念和理论,有助于新手理解和学习。-svm speech introduces the basic principles and core concepts svm to help the novice to learn and understand.
- Complete HMM-based speech recognition system, For feature extraction, signal de-noising, Analysis of the signal time domain, frequency domain, cepstrum, cyclic spectrum, etc.
- 语音情感识别分类,在中科大录制的语音情感数据库CASIA中来实现的(speech emotion recognition and classification is implemented in CASIA, a speech emotion database recorded by China University of science and technology.)