- linux下中文文件打印程序,本程序可以将国标及其繁体中文转化成linux下直接可以打印的postscr ipt文件。既包括内码转换又含有postscr ipt文件格式生成,由台湾的一个大学教授作,可供学习参考-under Chinese document printing procedures, the procedures can be GB and Traditional Chinese into linux can print directly to the postscr ipt do
- PDFCreator是一个开源应用程序,支持windows打印功能的任何程序都可以使用它创建PDF文档。使用PDFCreator能够创建PDF文档,Postscr ipt文档,Encapsulated Postscr ipt 文件;它也能生成PNG,BMP,JPEG,PCX,TIFF图形格式文件,强大的合并功能允许你将多个独立的文档转化成一个PDF文件。作为文档转换和管理的开源解决方案,PDFCreator是一个不错的选择。 这里是此文件的最新版1.2版的源文件-PDFCreator is
- * A new set of formulas for the planets whose accuracy rivals if not exceeds those of all major commercial products. * Postscr ipt file representations for all of Astrolog s graphics charts. * Windows metafile picture file options which a
- how to use Distiller to convert postscr ipt file to pdf file -how to use Distiller to convert postscr ipt file to pdf file ???
- how to use Distiller to convert the postscr ipt file to PDF file -how to use Distiller to convert the postscr ipt file to PDF file ???
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- Doxygen是一个文档生成系统,可用于C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors), Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C#, and to some extent D. 它能从一系列代码源文件中生成在线文档(HTML格式)和离线文档(Latex格式) 。也支持生成RTF (MS-Word), Postscr ipt, PDF, 压缩HTML(chm), and Unix man pages
- A postscr ipt programming book for beginners
- 打印机 postscr ipt 语言 命令函数程序代码参考-postscr ipt printing command reference
- 通过php合并多个pdf 让用户下载 也可通过postscr ipt合并-Allows users to combine multiple pdf through php download postscr ipt merger
- C#编写的用Postscr ipt模拟打印成一个文件,生成一个虚拟打印机,将文件输出到该虚拟打印机就生成了一个PDF文件-Written in C# using Postscr ipt emulation print to a file, create a virtual printer, the file output to the virtual printer generates a PDF file
- Postscr ipt文件格式转PDF文件格式的软件-Software Converting Postscr ipt to PDF.
- Matlab Functions for Radial Basis Function Networks - Installation Instructions. 1. Unpack the distribution in some convenient folder. 2. Within this folder you will find a number of subdirectories, including
- 一个保险公司保单生成程序生成Postscr ipt文件直接可在ps打印机上打印,适用cannon,ricohn,oce等打印机-Postscr ipt file create
- 标签图像文件格式(Tag Image File Format,简写为TIFF)是一种灵活的位图格式,主要用来存储包括照片和艺术图在内的图像。它最初由Aldus公司与微软公司一起为Postscr ipt打印开发。TIFF与JPEG和PNG一起成为流行的高位彩色图像格式。-Tag Image File Format (Tag Image File Format, abbreviated TIFF) is a flexible bitmap format, mainly used to store,
- routine to enable user selected mutliple files for conversion from postscr ipt to PDF. Assumes input file name will be used for output file name but with a '.pdf' extension. Also assumes input file has extension '.ps'.
two dimensional convection diffusion equation
- 包含求解二维对流/扩散方程的标量(给定的标量输运) 速度场,稳态和非稳态)采用有限体积法和直角坐标网格,求解Navier Stokes方程的定常和非定常采用笛卡尔网格和同位配置变量。它还包含生成笛卡尔网格(单个或多重网格)的代码,以及绘制计算结果的代码。后者的代码产生的每一个情节页后记文件:网格、速度矢量图、剖面的速度或温度,等压线,等温线和流线和压力填充图、温度或流线。更改此目录并读取本地“自述文件”文件,以获得该目录中文件的进一步信息。子目录管包含为管道流设置的代码的版本,包括入口和出口边
Rogers PostScript
- 后缀为.ps的文件阅读器。有些下载的外文文献不是pdf或doc格式的,而是不常见的.ps格式,这个时候需要安装专门的阅读器即我们这里给出的postscr ipt(PS)阅读器(Open the file with the suffix.Ps)
- Ghostscr ipt is an interpreter for Postscr ipt? and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. It is available both under the GNU GPL Affero license and for commercial licensing from Artifex. It has been under active development for over 20 years and has
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