- 最近发现语音验证码越来越流行,比如有次在注册gmail邮箱看到过,还有msn页面也有语音验证码,还有国外一些网站等。 花时间研究了下,语音验证码主要跟一般验证码的区别就在于如何让验证码播放。本文语音验证码原理:从服务器生成验证码, 并保存到cookie中(getcode.aspx.cs),当点收听验证码的时候,调用javascirpt操作(这里使用jquery)cookie读取验证码, 然后把验证码传到codevoice.aspx页,然后按顺序把验证码合
- Learn how to put all the built-in power of Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET 2003 to work with this comprehensive, in-depth programming guide. It drills down into the internal workings of Visual Studio .NET to help you get the most out of its fe
- One significant part of developers (including myself) are doing some kind of automation of Microsoft Office that was already treated by Mike Gold. So I will concentrate on opposing side of problem, how to use managed assembly from MS Office or VB scr
- This the second article in a three article series examining a custom ASP.NET server control I developed to make using the Google Maps API easier for .NET developers. This article assumes you have read Part 1 and are familiar with the Google Maps API.
- F# 是由微软发展的为微软.NET语言提供运行环境的程序设计语言。它是基于Ocaml的,而Ocaml是基于ML函数程序设计语言的。 这是一个用于显示.NET在不同编程语言间互通的程序设计。微软计划将慢慢整合F#至.NET平台并使F#成为.NET平台的计算机辅助语言。-On the surface of things, that is an intuitively obvious statement, given the title of this book. However, despite t
- Visual C++ in Visual Studio .NET 2003 The following are examples from the article in MSDN magazine: AppDomains ---------- This illustrates the problem with unmanaged code calling into managed code on v1.0 of the framework and the solu
- I am using .Text 0.94 - if you are using a different version, this code may or may not work. Who s to say? *** In my blog entry - http://scottonwriting.net/sowblog/posts/708.aspx - I mention how I use the calendar in a User Control. I know that
- 数据在DataBase里,自己还原上去 你还得修改一下Security.config 文件里的数据库连接串,然后就可以编译运行了 本系统使用 IBatis.Net+ASP.NET MVC3.0+ExtJS实现, 并扩展IBatis.Net的缓存,支持分布式缓存Memcached,你自己可在Web.config中修改下自己的缓存服务器地址 把IBatis.Net 的缓存模式改成MEMCACHED就可以了,我想你应该多少了解一些IBatis.Net的缓存机制,
- 这是一个插件对于视觉Studio.NET。它允许你复制和粘贴代码的插件,因此您可以使用它在稍后的日期。有7种语言构建,您可以保存。我有包括两个函数为例如何连接到一个访问数据库ADO。-This is a plug-in for Visual Studio.NET. It allows you to copy and paste code plug-ins, so you can use it at a later date. There are 7 languages
- Asp.net投票系统[单/复选,投票数量/项随意]源码 1,四级用户管理(自己可以随便增加多少,只是在检察用户类型那个页上做相应修改即可),对投票来说这是个可有可无的功能,但是我本来是出学这个,所以能做就做点,反正是练习! 2,投票项目随便增 / 删 / 改(废话),投票项目分单选和多选两种,设置间隔多久才可以投的限制;(写这里发现一问题,我把是否起用投票在数据库设了字段,但是后面忘记做了,哈哈) 3,投票项的子项自己随便加,可以设置子项的排序,子项在增加的时候或
- I wrote this code for my student who are learner in NIIT center. In this tutorial you will learned how to create Component in .NET Framework.
- I wrote this code for my student who are learner in NIIT center. In this tutorial you will learned how to create .NET Remoting application in .NET Framework