- 编解码器的xvid静态库的c++封装 编码: m_vdo_enc->Encode(pBuffer) // 这里pBuffer是BGR24的320x240的数据 编码如果成功,就会自动调用PostEncHandler函数,就可以得到编码后的结果 解码: m_vdo_dec->Decode(xvid, xvid_len) // 传入的存有xvid数据的buffer和长度 解码成功后,会自动调用PostDecHandler,注意对于流媒体数据而言,在这个函数中还有
- 今晚终于搞定xvid的调用,开了很多资料,没有完整的xvid说明,只好慢慢摸索。 用delphi调用xvid的范例怎么也没有找到,今天总算搞出来点成就。发出来大家分享,顺便研究一下。 实现了QQ摄像头的视频采集,用DC-DSP控件那个在delphi盒子上可以下载。实时捕获的位图数据采用xvid压缩后,再立即解码显示。实时性良好,CPU不到8 -Tonight finally buttoned xvid call, open a lot of information, no c
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "En
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "Ena
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "Ena
- 该程序是xvid的播放器,感觉还可以,自己写的,不知道大家喜欢不喜欢,个人认为还好!-The program is a avi player, feeling still can, write your own, and do not know if you like it or not I personally think that okay!
- 1) Introduction<br>---------------<br><br>XviD is a high performance and high quality MPEG-4 video de-/encoding<br>solution.<br><br>The XviD package currently consists of three parts:<br><br>- xvidcore: