Dragon Fire SDK
- 你想开发iPhone程序而不会obj—c?又不想学,没关系,这是一款可以在windows下用vc开发iPhone程序的第三方接口程序,昨晚以后可以直接上传到官网生成应用程序,不需要使用xcode-You want to develop iPhone apps and not obj-c? Do not want to learn, no matter what, this is a can under the windows vc development of third-party iPhon
Embed Reader zbar扫描二维码实例
- zbar扫描二维码实例,可以自定义界面,完全开源的代码,适合新手用-ZBar scan two-dimensional code examples, can customize the interface, completely open source code, suitable for novice to use
Reader Sample zbar扫描二维码实例2
- zbar扫描二维码实例2,可以自定义界面,完全开源的代码,适合新手用,自己开发的,-ZBar scan two-dimensional code examples 2, can customize the interface, completely open source code, suitable for beginners to use, own development,
- Iphone 界面换皮肤功能的程序,可以借鉴。-Iphone skin function interface for the program, can learn from.
- 你想开发iPhone程序而不会obj—c?又不想学,没关系,这是一款可以在windows下用vc开发iPhone程序的第三方接口的介绍,没有苹果机一样可以做成iPhone的软件-You want to develop iPhone apps and not obj-c? Do not want to learn, no matter what, this is a can under the windows vc development of third-party iPhone applica
- zxing扫描二维码实例,可以自定义界面,完全开源的代码,适合新手用,自己开发的,-Zxing scan two-dimensional code examples, can customize the interface, completely open source code, suitable for beginners to use, own development,
- AES加密在iPhone上面的实现,提供较完整的加密解密接口,可以十分方便地实现AES加密-AES encryption in the iPhone implementation of the above, provide a more complete interface to encryption and decryption can be very easy to implement AES encryption
- zbar扫描二维码实例3,可以自定义界面,完全开源的代码,适合新手用,自己开发的,-ZBar scan two-dimensional code examples 3, can customize the interface, completely open source code, suitable for beginners to use, own development,
- 这款能与用户交流的“游戏”,它将为你呈现一群爬满整个屏幕的蚂蚁。基于每个独立生命的原则,它们会对你的行为产生相应操作。杀死它们,抖落它们或者惊吓它们。 当你使用你的手机时,屏幕上就会出现蚂蚁。你可以直接在界面上挤压它们。-This can communicate with the user " game" , it will show you a group of ants crawling the entire screen. Based on the principle
- 实现iphone/iPad上的九宫格界面,可放置图片。-Achieve iphone/iPad on the squared interface, pictures can be placed.
- 一个十分简单易用、可以自定义界面的日历代码效果。代码还提供了delegate的回调函数,方便自定义日历的动作,包括选择日期等等。-A very simple and easy to use, you can customize the calendar interface code effect. The code also provides a delegate callback function to facilitate the action of the custom calendar,
- iphone应用上能够实现在线下载网络上的zip文件的功能,界面比较简单-Iphone applications can realize online download network of zip files function, interface is simple
- 一个用ios私有蓝牙接口开发的程序,可打开关闭ios蓝牙,扫描周围蓝牙-A program development with ios private Bluetooth interface , can open and Close ios Bluetooth, scan Bluetooth around it
- 制作各种节奏的鼓声音乐。制作过程如下:一共有三种鼓声(还包括一种类似沙槌的声音)。界面上出现3*16的格子,每一行对应一种乐器的声音,每一格表示击打一次。对这48个格子,随便点击选择(组合各种声音),然后拖动速度slider(控制节奏快慢),点击“start”按钮,就可以制作出意想不到的组合声音-Production of rhythm drum music. The production process is as follows: a total of three drums (also c
- ios设置界面demo:基本的工具库都有了!可以用于IPHONE初学者开发的事例-ios setup interface demo: a basic tool library have! Examples can be developed for IPHONE beginners
- 参考别人的开源代码,稍加修改,显得更简单、实用,与大家分享一下 1、附件中的文件加入到工程 2、创建的UITableView继承UIPullToRefreshTableView,同时支持XIB和动态创建两种方式 @interface UIPullToRefreshTableView : UITableView 3、 创建的UIViewController继承UIPullToRefreshViewController @interface UIPullToRefresh
- 相当优秀的ios for sdk;可以运行在ios的移动设备上,实现iphone与iphone,iphone与ipad的通话,开放了源码,在/src文件夹下,有服务器端跟客户端的;API接口说明在/doc文件夹下,可以参考进行二次开发。支持1080P高清,P2P传输,完美兼容IOS所有平台。-Quite outstanding of ios for sdk running on ios of mobile devices to achieve iphone with iphone, iphon
- ios开发中使用地图的,显示地图的界面,静态库文件真机与模拟机中只能有一个,要不就是合成的。-ios development map, map interface, static library file real machine simulator can only have one, or else synthesized.
- 类似于安卓的可以添加或删除主界面的效果demo,精选ios编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-Similar to the Android can add or remove the effect of the main interface of demo, selection of learning IOS programming source code, a good reference.
- 类似于安卓的可以添加或删除主界面的效果demo,精选ios编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-Similar to Andrews can add or remove the effect of the main interface demo, featured ios programming learning source, a good reference.