- 44binit.s ----- 初始化中断、存储器、堆栈等,进行系统初始化,建立C程序运行环境。 memcfg.inc ----- 定义存储器延时、SDRAM配置等参数 option.inc ----- 定义系统时钟频率等 main.c ----- 系统主程序(Main函数等) 44blib.c ----- IO端口初始化、延时和异步串口通讯等基本子程序-44binit.s ----- initialization interrupt, memory, stac
- 基于PIC单片机,DMX512协议的LED控制器程序,包含多种花样转换、I2C操作、串口通信等-Based on PIC microcontrollers, DMX512 protocol LED controller program includes a variety of pattern conversion, I2C operation, serial port communication
- 旋转编码器解码,8位无限旋转编码器,通过串口上传数据,用于调节每个轮的加减.-Rotary encoder decoder, 8 endless rotary encoders, upload the data via serial port, for regulating the addition and subtraction of each round.
- avrtest.c: Very basic test program for Atmel AVRs - opens serial port and sends strings to host
- iso7816_plain.c implements an interface between an RS-232 serial port and an ISO 7816 smart card, and is targeted for the Atmel AT90S2313 microcontroller in a development terminal. The source code is written entirely in C using the WinAVR tool suite.
- CodevisionAVR and Borland C++ 5 projects for amplifier microcontroller driven with IR and serial port control.
- UART 测试 本例程在 VMD642_uartio 中。 VMD642-C卡中有两路 UART 接口,在本例中,UART 的接口标准配置为 RS232,波特率-9600,数据位-8,校验位-None, 停止位-1,采用查询工作方式。 在目录 Win32\serial 下提供一个串口调试器.exe,注意设置正确的波特率。 用开发板随带的串口线将 DSP 开发板的串口和计算机串口连接好,启动串口调试 器.exe,设置串口参数,然后打开串口,就可以在发送窗口发送
- AVR Hexfile Boot Loader kavr (pronounced caviar) is an Atmel AVR boot loader written entirely in GNU C. kavr is tiny (less than 512 bytes). No special tools are required on the host PC for updating AVR firmware. Any serial port terminal works fine