- mapyrus能够将点、线、多边形、标注、符号等按PDF、POSTscr ipt、SVG、WEB IMAGE等格式输出。提供编程手段,满足不同开发需求。-mapyrus able to point, line, polygon, tagging, and other symbols on PDF, POSTscr ipt, SVG, WEB IMAGE output formats. Provide programming tools to meet different needs of dev
- Postscr ipt格式转为文本格式(text extractor)的C源代码-Postscr ipt format to text format (text extractor) C source code
- purpose library and test program that provides some very simple primitives to produce EPS (postscr ipt) files compile gcc -DTEST -g -o epsplot epsplot.c -lm (to produce test program) -purpose library and test program that 577 ides some ve
- An automatic 2D Delaunay mesh generator and solver for Finite Element Analysis. Can solve 2D field problems (Poisson and Helmholtz Equations). Can use LAPACK/ARPACK solvers producing OpenGL/Postscr ipt output. Uses C/GTK/GTKGLExt/MFC. Runs on Win32/U
- 转换位图文件到矢量图像文件的源代码,支持BMP, TGA, PNM, PPM, PGM, PBM的输入格式和Postscr ipt, svg, xfig, swf, pstoedit, emf, dxf, cgm等输出格式
- 这是Potrace最新版本,修订了一些bug,它是一个位图图片的优化工具,它可以使其成为平滑,可自由缩放的图片。它输入的格式可以是PBM, PGM, PPM, 和 BMP 格式,默认的输出格式是EPS文件,它可以用于将公司的徽标和文件的扫描图片的锯齿消除,以任何分辨率显示出来。它的输出格式有: EPS, Postscr ipt, PDF, SVG , Xfig, Gimppath, 和PGM,
- The package is meant to solve most needs in barcode creation with a conventional printer. It can create printouts for the conventional product tagging standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, as well as a few other formats. Ouput is genera
- This code is described in \"Computational Geometry in C\" (Second Edition), Chapter 4. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book. Input: 3n integer coordinates for the points. Output: the 3D convex hull,
- Potrace是一个位图图片的优化工具,它可以使其成为平滑,可自由缩放的图片。它输入的格式可以是PBM, PGM, PPM, 和 BMP 格式,默认的输出格式是EPS文件,它可以用于将公司的徽标和文件的扫描图片的锯齿消除,以任何分辨率显示出来。它的输出格式有: EPS, Postscr ipt, PDF, SVG , Xfig, Gimppath, 和PGM . -Potrace is a bitmap image optimization tools, which can make it sm
Achieving PostScript and Wmf outputs for OpenGLgl_
- 在opengl中输出矢量图形的源码,不错的东西,建议-in opengl output vector graphics source code, the good things, look at the recommendations
- 这个文章和附件中的代码实现如何将OpenGL/MFC程序输出到 encapsulated postscr ipt (EPS)和Windows enhanced metafile (EMF)文件格式。最终的目标是能够产生可以编辑、打印和展示的适量图形文件。 -* display a vrml 3D triangular mesh using OpenGL in a MFC MDI application, * change the rendering options such as
- implementing postscr ipt rendering in HW-implementing postscr ipt rendering in HW
- a rasterizer for "Type 1" (Postscr ipt) format outline fonts. It was donated by IBM for the R5 contrib tape and has been maintained since then by the MIT X Consortium. This version is compatible with X11R5 public patch 13.-a rasterizer for "Typ
- 转换位图文件到矢量图像文件的源代码,支持BMP, TGA, PNM, PPM, PGM, PBM的输入格式和Postscr ipt, svg, xfig, swf, pstoedit, emf, dxf, cgm等输出格式-Convert bitmap files to vector image file-fontforge use autotrace
- Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System, Quartz, Win32, image buffers, Postscr ipt, PDF, and SVG file output. Experimental backends include OpenGL (throug
- This application arranges the elements in the design file. The Goal of this application was to arrange elements in a design file by evel. The design file was being plotted to a postscr ipt device. The postscr ipt plotting established the order of ele
- ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images. It can read and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscr ipt, SVG, and TIFF. Use Imag
- Convert pixels to postscr ipt point units for Linux.
- 一般的矢量图形软件通过它来精确画出曲线,贝兹曲线由线段与节点组成,节点是可拖动的支点,线段像可伸缩的皮筋,我们在绘图工具上看到的钢笔工具就是来做这种矢量曲线的-The following describes the mathematics for the so called Bézier curve. It is attributed and named after a French engineer, Pierre Bézier, who used them for the body desi
- Exiv2是一款用于图像元数据管理的C++库和命令行实用程序。它提供了快速容易读取和写入访问到EXIF,IPTC,XMP多种格式的图像元数据。Exiv2命令行程序用于打印Exif,IPTC,XMP元数据,包括:不同格式的Makernote标签,调整Exif时间戳,按照Exif时间戳重命名图像,提取和插入EXIF,IPTC,XMP元数据和JPEG注释,或删除缩略图从图像或特定类型的元数据。 Exiv2 0.22版本支持Postscr ipt(EPS)图像,XMP元数据可以读取和写入来自于