- 知道成绩表,按分块查找法查找学号为几的各科成绩,索引表分3块。-know its performance, by the sub-block search, law school to find several branches achievements, indexing table three points.
- 随机产生5组测试数据,分别进行顺序查找,折半查找和分块查找,输出比较结果-five groups randomly generated test data, for the order to search, locate and half-block search, the output results
- 索引顺序表查找,索引顺序查找即分块查找,是将顺序表分成诺干块。-Indexed sequential table lookup, the index in order to find that the search block is to the order of the table is divided into Nokan blocks.
- 该程序 可以用于实现数据结构中的分块查找-this can be used to select the data you need
- 数据结构的常用方法该视屏中包含:B树的删除,B树的生长过程,堆的排序,分块查找,直接插入排序,希尔排序,快速排序-Commonly used method of data structures contained in the screen: B-tree delete, B-tree growth process, heap sort, sub-block to find a direct insertion sort, Hill sort, quick sort, etc.
- 附有实验报告。。1、查找的基本概念和查找的几种方法以及求查找的平均查找长度。 2、静态查找表(基于线性表的查找法)。顺序查找、二分查找和分块查找。 3、动态查找表(基于树的查找法)。二叉排序树、二叉平衡树、 B_ 树和B+ 树。 -1, find the basic concepts and find several methods, as well as seeking to find the average search length. 2, static lookup tabl
- 数据结构遍历树的实验,有源码,可以任意输入1组有序数据;对顺序查找、折半查找、分块查找的查找次数进行比较并输出比较结果。 -Traverse the tree data structure to the experiment and source code, you can import a group of arbitrarily ordered data on sequential search, binary search, block search to find the numb
- 试编写一个用索引进行顺序查找的程序。 (1) 要求将数据以分块有序形式分别存放在不少于10个磁盘文件(块)中,每个文件中不少于10个数据,并能在内存中自动建立索引表; (2) 对任意待查找的关键字,若查找成功,给出其关键字比较次数。 (3) 自行设计测试用例。 -Try to write a sequential search using the index procedure. (1) requires the data to the form of block order w
- 基于索引顺序表的分块查找,用于关键字查找-Based on the index block to find the order form for keyword search
- 程序功能包括:主程序;顺序查找、二分查找和分块查找的实现;过程追踪以及结果输出等;-Program features include: the main program sequential search, binary search and find the realization of block process tracing, and outputting the results
- 这个程序的功能是能够实现分块查找,优化查找算法,加快查找时间-This program is the ability to realize block search, optimization search algorithm, to speed up search time
- 试编写利用折半查找确定记录所在块的分块查找算法。 提示:1. 读入各记录建立主表; 2. 按L个记录/块建立索引表; 3. 对给定关键字k进行查找; 测试实例:设主表关键字序列:{12 22 13 8 28 33 38 42 87 76 50 63 99 101 97 96},L=4 ,依次查找K=13, K=86,K=88 -Trial preparation records using binary search to determine where the bl
- 利用折半查找确定记录所在块的分块查找算法. 读入各记录建立主表,按L个记录/块建立索引表, 对给定关键字k进行查找-Use binary search to determine where the block record block search algorithm. Read into the record to establish the main menu, press L record/block index table, k for a given keyword searc
- 《大话数据结构》主要内容包含:数据结构介绍、算法推导大O阶的方法;顺序结构与链式结构差异、栈与队列的应用;串的朴素模式匹配、KMP模式匹配算法;二叉树前中后序遍历、赫夫曼树及应用;图的深度、广度遍历;最小生成树两种算法、最短路径两种算法;拓扑排序与关键路径算法;折半查找、插值查找、斐波那契查找等静态查找;稠密索引、分块索引、倒排索引等索引技术;冒泡、选择、插入等简单排序;希尔、堆、归并、快速等改进排序-" Westward the data structure," the m
- 利用分块查找算法在线性表(学生情况表)list中查找给定值key(学号)的结点-Block search algorithm using the linear table (table of students) list in the search for a given value of key (Student ID) of the node
- 对各种查找算法进行比较,有顺序查找法、折半法、分块法。-Comparison of various search algorithms, sequential search method, the binary method, sub-block method.
- 本程序仅仅是模拟分块查找算法中的顺序查找,比普通的顺序查找快, 但并不是最快的查找算法, 如果你要更快的算法,可以将备查询的元素从小到大排序好,再用二分查找即可. -This procedure is only analog block search algorithm in order to find, faster than the normal order to find, but not the fastest search algorithm, if you want a
- 本程序仅仅是模拟分块查找算法中的顺序查找,比普通的顺序查找快, 但并不是最快的查找算法, 如果你要更快的算法,可以将备查询的元素从小到大排序好,再用二分查找即可.-This procedure is only analog block search algorithm in order to find, faster than the normal order to find, but not the fastest search algorithm, if you want a faster
- 里面有各种查找 顺序查找 二分法 分块查找-Find sub-block difference
- 用二分法建立索引表,在此基础上进行分块查找的算法,用c语言加以实现。-Indexing table with the dichotomy block search algorithm based on this, to be implemented by c language.