- 一个标题拦上的按纽-A button the caption of the window s frame
- VB应用技巧 1.int文件的读写 2.如何取得计算机名 3.计算Windows从启动后所运行的总时间-1.int VB application skills to read and write two papers. How to get the computer name three. Calculation Window s from the start after running total time
- 魔塔游戏j2me版 运行平台 Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000 -version of the game J2ME platform running Windows Server 2003 Window s 2
- mmread reads virtually any media file. If Windows Media Play can play it, so should mmread. It uses the Window s DirectX infrastructure to % render the media, so other OSs are out of luck.-mmread reads virtually any media file. If W for Windows
- 静态切分窗口 静态切分窗口 静态切分窗口-static splitting static window s plitting static window s plitting static window splitting window static splitting static window s plitting window
- MFC Tool tip control(CToolTipCtrl) is easy to use with a window, such as a child window, or an application-defined rectangular area within a window s client area. However, in some situations you may not know in advance for which controls or rectangle
- The STEPNCWrite library writes STEP-NC toolpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C++ library is completely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The library writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) using just prin
- (1)开发学生成绩管理系统的总体任务是实现企学生管理的系统化和自动化.学生管理为学校提供学生质料管理,课程设置管理,成绩数据管理,访问权限管理等,为学生提供了方便的个人信息查询等. (2)本系统的主要功能如下 本系统使用SQL SERVER 作为后台数据库,使用一组ASP动态网页作为应用程序的用户界面.本系统完成后可以部署在WINDOWS 2000SERVER服务器上,同一局域网中的用户使用IE浏览器即可查询数据和处理数据. -(1) development of performan
- 详细介绍了通过0x1F0端口对硬盘进行读取和写入操作的方法(Windows下需WinIO或其他直接访问IO的内核级驱动配合试验),可用来穿透还原卡-detail through 0x1F0 port for the hard drive to read and write methods (Window s need WinIO or other direct IO visit kernel-level drivers with tests), which can be used to pene
- window s directshow demo code
- 进程管理的一个代码,vc做的,可以查看当前系统的所有进程,并可以操作进程。象win优化大师里的那个进程管理。-It is a process management program code in vc.You can use it to examine and operate all processes of the current system.It is just like the process management tool in window s optimization expe
brew window manager
- Objective This topic describes how to create a windowed application that will share the display with other applications. Requirements Brew® MP windowed applications need to be written differently than traditional Brew MP applications.
- 一个跨WINDOW跟LINUX的界面库,用于在两个系统中做开发,WINDOW with an inter-library LINUX interface for the two systems make the development of
- 获取指定进程的窗口句柄,如果它有的话。通过这个句柄,可以对该进程的窗口进行适当操作,如发送消息,调整显示模式,获取/修改窗口标题等,Get window handle by process id. By the handle ,you can send message to window,or adjust the window s show model,and get/modify the window s tezt
- 键盘记录器代码,包含DLL和EXE调用两部分.默认只记录IE中输入的密码,可修改 DLL 中CALLBACK CBTProc 窗口标题实现对其他窗口的键盘记录.-Keyboard recorder code, include the DLL and EXE call two parts. The default only record IE entered password, can modify the DLL CALLBACK CBTProc window s title to achiev
- 和spy++类似的一个代码,这些有名的软件老被游戏封闭,自己写了个获取当前窗口的hdl-And the spy++ like a code, these well-known software, games and old have been closed, himself wrote a month to get the current window hdl
- JPCT写的读取3Ds Max文件的一个案例。JPCT是Java的一个3D开发引擎,提供网络游戏和应用程序的3D编程。-PCT is a solution for browser based games and applications as well as for OpenGL accelerated ones. It offers a software (Java 1.1 compatible, will work even on the MS-VM) and a hardware rend
- 根据一个窗口句柄得到运行程序名的两个函数实现-The implementions of two functions to get the name of the running application using an window s handle
- 用VB编的类似与SPY++的程序。 Vb仿SPY获取和查找当前程序句柄。 其中对窗口的操作很值得借鉴。-VB for use with the SPY++ similar to the procedure. Vb like SPY access and find the current process handle. The operation window which is worth learning from.
- flashget、迅雷、BT等都有浮动窗口,能详细地显示下载的详细信息,该类型的窗口有一下几个特点:1、窗口无标题栏,窗口的大小跟位图一样大。2、前端显示。3、在客户区内按下鼠标左键可以随意拖动窗口的位置。4、可以改变窗口的透明度。5、双击可以将主窗口激活,并显示。下面就该类型窗口的各个功能实现予以说明。 -Like flashget, Thunder, BT and have a floating window, detailed show download more informatio