- RoboCup Middle Size League s champion team in 2006, the tribots team s localization program.-RoboCup Middle Size League's champion team in 2006, tribots the team's localization program.
- 真正动态切分窗口,程序演示了动态切分和静态切分的区别,相信你一定能看出动态切分时分割条随鼠标移动而移动,想知道为什么吗?看看就知道-truly dynamic segmentation window, procedures demonstration of the dynamic segmentation and static cut distinction, I believe you will see dynamic segmentation of all time-sharing with
- 针对USB HID设备的编程,采用VC编码,通过检测,有一定的参考价值-against USB HID programming using VC coding through testing, a certain reference value
- 用于已知栅格环境下机器人路径规划的Astar算法源码-known for raster environment robot path planning algorithm Astar FOSS
- 这个例子演示图钉按纽的实现(就像Developer Studio中资源的属性表中左上角的按纽)-this example demonstrates the realization radius button (like Developer Studio is a resource sexual upper left corner of the table button)
- \"The Revolutionary Guide to MFC 4 Programming With Visual C++\"书中的例子,演示如何通过第二线程打印文档-"The Revolutionary Guide to MFC 4 Programm ing With Visual C "in the book examples demonstrate how to print a document second thread
- Marr_Hildret算子的详细讲解,能更好的提高边缘提取的效果 很难得的哟-Marr_Hildret Operator elaborate better marginal increase of the effect is difficult to extract the yo
- peter的mpeg程序,非常不错,强烈推荐-peter mpeg the procedure very well, strongly recommended
- 利用小波分解与重构,实现图像滤波和压缩,可灵活选用其他小波,简单易懂,特别适合小波初学者.-using wavelet decomposition and reconstruction, image filtering and compression, the flexibility to choose other wavelet is simple to understand and Wavelet particularly suitable for beginners.
- 利用小波分解与重构,实现图像增强和融合,可灵活选用其他小波,简单易懂,特别适合小波初学者.-using wavelet decomposition and reconstruction, image enhancement and integration, the flexibility to choose other wavelet is simple to understand and Wavelet particularly suitable for beginners.
- 利用小波分解与重构,实现图像去噪和压缩,可灵活选用其他小波,简单易懂,特别适合小波初学者.-using wavelet decomposition and reconstruction, Image Denoising and Compression, the flexibility to choose other wavelet is simple to understand and Wavelet particularly suitable for beginners.
- C51入门大全,对初学者很有帮助,认真学习一下里面的程序或者直接拿出来在单片机上运行一下,里面的程序基本上都是有效的.-C51 Portal Daquan, very useful for beginners. seriously study the inside of the program or directly out of the running on this MCU, Basically, the procedures which are effective.