- Bootstrap Table Bootstrap Table-Bootstrap TableBootstrap TableBootstrap Table
- 软件采用php开源框架thinkphp开发,适用于简单的投票系统哦。 -Software using php open-source framework thinkphp development, applicable to the simple voting system Oh.
- 精迅CMS(Jxcms)是基于采用网络中已经成熟、稳定的技术PHP+MYSQL开发而成,利用本系统您可以很方便地管理自己的网站。-Jingxun CMS (Jxcms) is based on the use of the network has been mature and stable technology developed by PHP+ MYSQL, the use of this system you can easily manage your own website.
- Xweibo网站插件是为站长提供的微博连接工具 Xweibo插件版是针对各类型论坛、博客提供应用程序插件,目前支持主流Discuz等程序,同时面向开发者提供多种应用程序。-Xweibo website plug-in is for webmasters to provide microblogging connection tool Xweibo plug-in version is for all types of forums, blog applications plug-in, curr
- 《站站通之百度关键字排名查询记录系统》能准确的记录多个关键字及多个域名在百度查询结果里的排名,还能把这些排名用曲线图表示出来。是你监控seo效果及考核seoer的良好工具。 - Station Baidu keyword ranking query record system can accurately record multiple keywords and multiple domain names in the Baidu query results in the rankings,
- 此次发布距离上次发布2.0版本时隔N月。 因为我这段时间不是很有空,所以推迟了很久,让大家久等了。 编写了BLSQL之后,对网盘的数据结构又有了新的构想。 所以,3.0版是全部重写的,不支持2.0升级到3.0。 测试版毕竟是测试版,所以功能比较少,请大家谅解。-This release is the second time since the last release. Because I am not very free this time, so postponed for a long t
- 1、修改配置文件 config.php 2、网页搜索结果页面有两处广告,搜索结果上面广告:inc/topad.php ,侧边广告:inc/sidebarad.php ,用记事本打开文件就可以修改 3、首页静态化,速度比较快,请修改首页文件index.html -1, modify the configuration file config.php 2, page search results page has two ads, the search results above ads: inc/
- 本地数据,PHP语言,简单明了,下载上传到网站直接就可以使用。 数据库可编辑,打造自己个性化的数据库, 与演示站一样-Local data, PHP language, simple and clear, download and upload directly to the site can be used. Database can be edited, to create their own personalized , and demo stations
- 一款不错的游戏。。原理很简单。修改了一下,成了英文的单页。。 加了一个gg的小广告。看看显示英文广告的效果了。 我需要的朋友可以下载了。互相学习qq:39347388。 努力赚钱!! -A good game. . The principle is simple. Modified a moment, has become a single page in English. . Plus a small gg ads. Look at the effect of showing English
- 欢迎使用千岛湖信息网 2.0(程序版权属于mymps),在您使用之前,请务必完整阅读本软件附带的全部说明档 -Welcome to use the Lake Information Network 2.0 (program copyright belongs to mymps), before you use, be sure to read the software with all the instructions
- 本源码是一个搜索引擎小偷,主要聚合百度和google的搜索结果,有2个广告位,在INC文件夹下,搜索框上面那一排随时切换的文字在JS文件夹下那个TIPS里面修改。主页您直接用DW或者记事本修改,呵呵,谢谢支持ZL -The source is a search engine thieves, the main polymerization of Baidu and google search results, there are two ad slots in the INC folder, s
- 本程序是美化版的,已调整CSS样式,导航栏显示更加直观明了,广告位置简单清晰,本程序的神奇之处就是只有一个文件index.php,大小只有7KB,无需安装,无需数据库支持!无需更新内容,唯一不完美的地方就是图片有水印,但不影响使用效果! -This program is a landscaping version, has been adjusted CSS style, navigation bar shows a more intuitive and clear, simple and cl