- 一套非常好用的软件加密卡接口,支持对称、非对称加密以及密钥的管理。适用于windows平台。-a very user-friendly encryption software interface cards support symmetric and asymmetric encryption and key management. Windows platform applicable to.
- BoboMail is a so called webmail application, which provides mail access through a web interface. It handles MIME messages properly (including HTML mails) and is implemented in Python BoboMail是一个webmail应用程序,它提供通过一个web接口的邮件访问。它可以正确处理MIME消息(包括HTML邮件)
- 这份资料是关于Windows系统的勾子编程的详细介绍,希望大家喜欢。-this information on the Windows system is a hook detailed descr iption of the program, hope you like them.
linux serial program demo
- linux下串口通讯源程序,可以作为两机通信-source program about serial communication in linux,and can used in communication between two terminals.
- 本开发包是为明基扫描仪专门提供的,可以让用户进行二次开发的开发包。该开发包是用VC++ 6.0开发的动态连接库(scan.dll)。接口简单,调用方便,让您可以在最短的时间内实现对明基扫描仪的功能定制。另外,本开发包还提供给用户明基自行开发的影像文件读写库(ImageRW.dll),提供了多种影像格式的支持,让您可以方便的将扫描得到的影像数据存成各种格式(支持的文件格式有BMP, PCX, JPG, TIF, TGA, PNG)的影像文件。本开发包内还附有开发例程,即使你一点都不了解扫描仪的驱动
- radius开放源码,用C写的,广泛用于认证服务器、认证计费。-the open source of radius which is written with c , to anthenticate the server and to authenticate counting the fee
- 大家有时玩游戏时,一不小心按到win键,游戏就会跳出,很不方便.我用vc编了一个小软件,基于低级键盘钩子的原理,这个软件可以屏蔽win键,F1,ALT+F4,ALT+TAB等键以致整个键盘.-sometimes you play games, to win by careless Bond, will jump out of the game, and it is very convenient. I used vc a small part of the software, based on
- linux下关于c语言的手册,是每一位linux程序员必备的开发工具,特别实用。-A handbook about c.It is necessary and pratical to every linux programmer .
- 这是一个ucLINUX内核程序,适合初学者使用,欢迎大家下载-Here is the kernel of ucLINUX, which is for beginners. And welcome everyone to download.
- Timer组件使用的小例子!使用Timer组件可以让你在一段时间内依次做出你指定的操作,这在动画的展示上非常有用。-Timer components using small examples! Timer components can be used to allow you some time in order to make you specify the operation, which in animation on the display very useful.
- 音频ogg格式文件解码源码,内容有点多,但都有相关说明。-decode source code of ogg format with related documents
- mp3编码库,可直接将wav,aiff格式的音频文件压缩成码流量为128Kbps的mp3文件-Mp3encode is a kind of mp3 encoded library which can compress wav,aiff files to mp3 files of 128kbps data flow.