20-3 moto_PWM
- 此源码针对C8051F040单片机开发的,用于直流电机驱动电路调试-against C8051F040 microcontroller development for DC motor drive circuit debugging
20-2 time1380
- 此程序针对C8051F040单片机开发的,用于定时器的应用-this procedure against C8051F040 microcontroller development for the application of the timer
- 此程序针对C8051F040单片机开发的,C语言编写,用于舵机的控制调试-this procedure against C8051F040 microcontroller development of the C language, for steering control Debugging
- 这是关于交通灯2的单片机实验。它包含了原理图以及代码。-This is the two traffic lights on the MCU experiment. It contains a diagram and code.
- 智能计时计数器 有计两脉冲间隔时间、几脉冲间隔时间、30秒脉冲数等,还有就是根据这些时间做一些运算,51,牵涉到LCD,汇编C混合,计时器的使用。 本人首个正式产品,各位兄弟见笑了。原理图、程序、图片都有。-counter a smart time or two pulse intervals, pulse several time intervals, 30 seconds pulse, and so on. There is, according to the time to do
- iccavr软件很少有破解工具,可以通过它来破解iccavr,进行avr单片机的开发-iccavr little crack software tools, it can be to break through iccavr. avr for the development of SCM
- avr单片机的静态堆栈的实现,适合搞操作系统的。-avr SCM static stack the realization suited for the operating system.
TUSB3210 Bootcode Source Listing
- ti的3410usb型单片机的事例源代码,很容易上手的。-ti-SCM source code examples, it's easy to get started.
- lpc系列单片机用软件的方法产生dtmf信号,超经典。-lpc series of SCM software methods DTMF signals, ultra-classic.
- 基于c8051f330芯片开发的电机正反转控制系统,能同时完成参数的设定与显示,系统具有4~20mA的标准模拟信号输出-c8051f330 chip development based on the reversion motor control system parameters can be completed simultaneously with the creation shows that the system has a 4-20mA analog signal output st
- 实时时钟芯片PCF8563 MSP430源程序-real-time clock chip MSP430 source PCF8563
- 有关MICROCHIP的P18F4610一些初始化程序.包括RAM初始化,定时器的使用及中断的使用.开发环境是MPLAB编译器是MCC18.希望对新手有帮助少走弯路.-going before the P18F4610 some of the initialization process. RAM including initialization, the timer interruption of use and use. Yes MPLAB development environment c