- CortexM3的GPIO控制,按键按下LED点亮-CortexM3 the GPIO control button is pressed LED lights
- 基于Gsm短息家庭防爆系统, 基于Gsm短息家庭防爆系统, 基于Gsm短息家庭防爆系统,-Short-income families based Gsm proof system, based on the short-income families Gsm proof system, based on the short-income families Gsm proof system, based on the short-income families Gsm proof system,
- 基于stm32单片机的一系列功能实现,包括串口定时器等(A series of functions based on stm32 microcontroller, including serial timer, etc.)
- zigbee通过协议栈点对点通信,终端使用DS18B20测温,将温度数据发送给协调器,协调器串口发送至PC机。-zigbee protocol stack by using point to point communications, terminal DS18B20 temperature measurement, temperature data will be sent to the coordinator, the coordinator sent to the PC serial po
- zigbee通过协议栈点对点通信,终端使用DH11测温湿度,将温湿度数据发送给协调器,协调器串口发送至PC机。-zigbee protocol stack by using point to point communications, terminal DH11 temperature measurement, temperature data will be sent to the coordinator, the coordinator sent to the PC serial port.
- ARM CORTEX M3 lpc1768 example program keil template routines
- 基于stm32的以太网开发.Based on the stm32 Ethernet development-Based on the stm32 Ethernet development
STM32 智能充电器源码+补丁
- 该文档主要为用stm32来制作一款智能型的充电器,文档内容包括了源码和补丁的相关资料,下它!。(This document mainly uses STM32 to make an intelligent charger. The content of the document includes the source code and patch related information, next it!.)
STM32F0x2_USB-FS-Device_Lib V1.0.0
- STM32F0x2_USB-FS-Device_Lib V1.0.0 实现模拟键盘(STM32F0x2_USB-FS-Device_Lib V1.0.0 key board and led hid)
- IMU数据应用于UAI四轴无人机,实现油门控制,pid调速,姿态解算等功能(The IMU data is applied to the UAI four axis UAV to realize throttle control, PID speed regulation, attitude calculation and other functions.)
- CortexM3的中断库函数使用说明,里面有例子,有注解;-CortexM3 interrupt library functions use, there are examples, there are annotations
- stm32f103,rs484,modbus 空气开关,电表源码(STM32F103, RS484, MODBUS air switch, meter source)