- STC的adc转换程序,把其他的模拟量变成数字量进入到STC的单片机中(STC AD TRANFER voltage into number)
- 当光线照射到光敏电阻上,并且光线强弱变化时,光敏电阻会跟随改变电阻的阻值。可以用于感光的电子电路上面。动开启或者关闭照明线路(When the light is irradiated to the photosensitive resistor and the intensity of the light changes, the photosensitive resistor will follow the resistance of the resistor. It can be used
- 当光线照射到光敏电阻上,并且光线强弱变化时,光敏电阻会跟随改变电阻的阻值。可以用于感光的电子电路上面。例如根据自然光线的强弱,自动开启或者关闭照明线路(When the light is irradiated to the photosensitive resistor and the intensity of the light changes, the photosensitive resistor will follow the resistance of the resistor. It
- CAN总线协议已经成为汽车计算机控制系统和嵌入式工业控制局域网的标准总线,并且拥有以CAN为底层协议专为大型货车和重工机械车辆设计的J1939协议(The CAN bus protocol has become the standard bus for the automobile computer control system and the embedded industrial control LAN, and has the J1939 protocol for the design o
- RS232,RS485是一个物理接口,简单的说是硬件。也可以说是一种通信接口。MODBUS是一种国际标准的通讯协议,用于不同厂商之间的设备交换数据(一般是工业用途);所谓协议,也可以理解为有人说的“语言”吧,简单的说是软件(RS232, RS485 is a physical interface, in short, hardware. It can also be said to be a communication interface. MODBUS is an international
- 89c52 MLX90614红外温度检测_1602显示(89C52 MLX90614 infrared temperature detection _1602 display)
- 51单片机实现简单的音乐旋律播放,有暂停,选择功能。(51 MCU to achieve simple music melody play, there is a pause, select function.)
- 手机APP通过蓝牙连接上小车,可以简单的控制小车的前后左右。(Remote control of single chip microcomputer by mobile APP)
- Microchip PIC24FJ系列16bit单片机的 PMP 接口驱动,工作模式master模式(code Example Descr iption: ---------------------------- This code example aims to demonstrate the basic initialisation and operation of the Parallel Master Port (PMP) module. It also demonstrates
BLDCExampleCode - HW
- 合泰单片机HT66FM5240 - 无刷电机驱动程序源码(Hetai MCU HT66FM5240 - brushless motor driver source code)
华为4G ME909s软件
- 模块业务集成开发示例以及相关的AT命令集合 HUAWEI ME909s Series LTE Module Application Guide-(V100R001_02, English).pdf HUAWEI ME909s Series LTE Module AT Command Interface Specification-(V100R001_01, English).pdf 模块业务集成开发示例V3.0.pdf(HUAWEI ME909s Series LTE Module App
- stm32f103c8t6最小系统版,基于keil的led工程全文件(Stm32f103c8t6 minimum system version, Keil based LED project full document)