- 通过MCU实现方波频率计,该程序简洁实用(Square wave frequency meter realized by MCU, this program is simple and practical)
- 通过单片机编程实现多路任意方波的产生,该程序简洁实用(Through the MCU programming to achieve multi-channel arbitrary square wave generation, the program is simple and practical)
- 通过控制单片机来实现延时走马灯的功能,该程序简洁实用(Through the control of the microcontroller to achieve the function of the time delay, the program is simple and practical)
- 通过控制51单片机来实现走马灯的功能,该程序简洁实用(Through the control of 51 single-chip microcomputer to achieve the function of the lantern, the program is simple and practical)
- 能够实现舵机连续旋转,利用430配置好管脚能够对舵机实现不同pwm的输出,从而使得舵机正反转(The steering gear can realize continuous rotation, using 430 pins can be configured to achieve different output gear PWM, which makes the servo reversing)
- STM32中OLED 屏幕编程,一起学习(STM32 OLED screen programming, learning together)
Smartcar V1.8
- 校内智能车ccd巡线,pid 模糊控制,舵机控制(smartcar which use ccd to follow)
- 逆变器资料,整流滤波protues的仿真,效果已经基本调试好嘞,有问题可以随时提问(Inverter rectifier filter Protues simulation data, the effect has been basically OK, there is a problem you can always ask questions)
- OnlineSDK is not provided by the manufactures, hence we cant find anywhere. We can integrate the biometric machines with the remote server in only two ways: 1. With the help of SDK, develop a windows application, which will read the attendance data
one pulse code
- stm8 eeprom代码, 十分有用现在几乎找不到了(the eerporm code for stm8 it's very userful .)
- Keil实现电机转速电流双闭环调速 ,以及硬件电路的绘制(Keil realization of motor speed and current double closed loop speed regulation)
- PIC单片机用18B20测温,并通过串口发送。(PIC microcontroller uses 18B20 to measure the temperature and sends it through the serial port.)