- The application wizard has created this ImageImportDialogDemo application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation Classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. -The app
- Here must be copied all the images and cursors (bmp and ico files).-Here must be copied all the images and curso rs (bmp and ico files).
- 神经网路分割 神经网路分割 神经网路分割-neural network segmentation ne ural network segmentation ne ural network segmentation neural network segmentation Neural network segmentation
- 本程序是对想学习windows编程的同学很有帮助.本程序是基于opengl的,可以在不同的视角来观察飞机的造型,对防真学的同学大有帮助.-the process of learning to students of windows programming helpful. The procedure is based on opengl, in a different perspective to observe the shape of the aircraft, the defense re
- 一个自己写的简单光线投射法的体绘制算法,内部包含人头骨的数据文件,简单易懂-himself wrote a simple ray casting method of volume rendering algorithms, the internal human skull contains the data files, simple and understandable. .
- 图像平滑,锐化,形态学变化,边缘检测等功能-image smoothing, sharpening, morphological changes, edge detection, and other functions
- 这是一个图像编成的源代码,是从其他地方下载来的,现在提供给各位,如果有用的话就是最好的事情了 -This is an image into the source code is downloaded from elsewhere to, and now for you. If so useful is the best thing
- 徐慧的Viscual C++数字工程案例中的程序,超级经典,适用于本科生和研究生的毕业设计-XU Viscual the C + + Digital Engineering cases the procedure, the super classic, applicable to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the graduate design
- 使用MFC与opencv结合显示图像,支持jpg.bmp,tif等格式-use MFC opencv combined with images show support jpg.bmp, tif format, etc.
- 利用形态学方法寻找图像中互相重叠的点 对其进行分类并最后消除。-using morphological methods for image overlapping points classification and its final elimination.
- 对图像进行对比增强。没有用matlab命令 而是内核 想研究的同志可以-right image contrast enhancement. Not using Matlab order to study the kernel but the comrades can s
- 本函数包括三个例程 一个图像去噪(椒盐) 一个寻找图像中特定方向的直线 一个自己写的图像线形过滤-this function include a three routines image denoising (Impulse) looking for a specific image in the direction of a straight line since Image has written linear filter