- 关于按钮,菜单等等MM控件的合集,值得参考,ActiveX控件-Aboat the mmButton and menu control edt.
- MotoHour for Testing Upload
- fastReport打印二维码功能,现成的Demo工具-fastreport QR Code
- The CodeSite Logging System gives developers deeper insight into how their code is executing, which enables them to locate problems more quickly and ensure their application is running correctly. CodeSite s logging classes let developers capture all
- The SendMail is Delphi/BCB component, used for sending e-mail messages via SMTP servers. The messages can be either in plain text or HTML format, contain attachments or embedded images for HTML contents. You can use the SendMail for dispatching
- Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with well over 400 components in one money and time saving bundle for Delphi 7, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.1 Berlin Starter Edi
- FlexGraphics - is a set of components for creating vector graphics applications under Borland Delphi/C++Builder. The library s implementation is based on Windows GDI and supports the following graphical objects: line box (including the roun
- indy为优秀的网络组件,此为Delphi7直接安装版-The Indy Project is an Open Source group that supports several projects that grew out of the original Indy.Sockets (VCL) project team. Projects that
- VCLSkin™ is a component used to create skinnable user interfaces for Delphi/C++Builder applications. Extremely easy to use, simply place the component on the Main Form and Vclskin will skin the entire application with no need for source code mod
- RealThinClient components development, marketing, sales and customer support are being handled by “DeltaSoft” d.o.o. Croatia, with Danijel Tkalč ec as CEO and main-RealThinClient components development, marketing, sales and customer support are b
- Completing the Raize Components 5 Installation Moving Raize Components 5 Palettes to Front Uninstalling Raize Components 5 What s New in Raize Components 5 Minimum system requirements Contacting Raize Software, Inc.- Completing the R
- IntraWeb是Delphi自带的一套Web开发框架,它由AtozedSoftware公司在2002年制作,并完美的植入Delphi7中。Intraweb同以往所有的Web开发框架相比,是一个革命性的产品,特点就是:1.完全支持所见即所得的开发方式;2.另外IntraWeb同ASP.net的WebForm的开发方式非常类似,也支持各类Server端事件,象Button的OnClick事件等等;3.可以方便的进行web程序跟踪调试排错;4.支持非常简单直观的Session支持;5.由于Intra