硬盘只有经过物理格式化,分区,逻辑格式化后才能使用,在进行分区时,FDISK 会在硬盘的0柱面0磁头1扇区建一个64字节的分区表,在分表的前面是主引导记录 (MRB),后面是两个字节的有效标志55H,AAH,(H表示16进制)。此扇区被称为主 引导扇区,也是病毒最爱侵袭的地方,它由主引导记录+分区表+有效标志组成。
分区表对于系统自举十分重要,它规定着系统有几个分区;每个分区的起始及终止 扇区,大小以及是否为活动分区等重要信息。分区表由4个表项组成,每个表项16个字 节-hard on the structure and zoning. Hard disk partition table and document distribution table only after physical hard disk formatting, zoning, logical format as soon as possible. conducting district, FDISK the hard drive in cylindrical 0 0 1 Sector Head built a 64 bytes of zoning tables at the table in front of the Master Boot Record (MRB), followed by two bytes of effective signs 55 H, AAH, (H said 16-band). This was known as Sector master boot, as well as virus attacks favorite place, which consists of master boot record partition table effective symbol. Table system for the district since cite important, it provides a system has several branch; The start of each branch and terminate Sector. and whether the size of district activities and other important information. Division 4 table by t
硬盘只有经过物理格式化,分区,逻辑格式化后才能使用,在进行分区时,FDISK 会在硬盘的0柱面0磁头1扇区建一个64字节的分区表,在分表的前面是主引导记录 (MRB),后面是两个字节的有效标志55H,AAH,(H表示16进制)。此扇区被称为主 引导扇区,也是病毒最爱侵袭的地方,它由主引导记录+分区表+有效标志组成。
分区表对于系统自举十分重要,它规定着系统有几个分区;每个分区的起始及终止 扇区,大小以及是否为活动分区等重要信息。分区表由4个表项组成,每个表项16个字 节-hard on the structure and zoning. Hard disk partition table and document distribution table only after physical hard disk formatting, zoning, logical format as soon as possible. conducting district, FDISK the hard drive in cylindrical 0 0 1 Sector Head built a 64 bytes of zoning tables at the table in front of the Master Boot Record (MRB), followed by two bytes of effective signs 55 H, AAH, (H said 16-band). This was known as Sector master boot, as well as virus attacks favorite place, which consists of master boot record partition table effective symbol. Table system for the district since cite important, it provides a system has several branch; The start of each branch and terminate Sector. and whether the size of district activities and other important information. Division 4 table by t