- The pulse signal peak detection, power spectrum calculation, cycle.And purify respiratory disturbance, wavelet denoising, etc
- 基于心电脉搏信号的研究分析,各种经典算法。实验分析研究,以及新方法的提出测试。-Based on the analysis of ecg signal pulse study, all kinds of classic algorithms.Experimental analysis and research, and tests the new method is put forward.
- 介绍数字水印技术的相关知识,具备一定的技术性-Knowledge introduction of digital watermarking technology, with some technical
- Solar photovoltaic (SPV) water pumping systems have the potential to provide clean drinking water to millions of unserved people around the world. The abundant solar energy resource and groundwater availability in the Pacific Island Countries (PI
- 基于Zigbee技术的无线镇痛泵系统的设计与应用-请输入您要翻译的文字内容或网页地址,回车即可翻译 基于Zigbee技术的无线镇痛泵系统的设计与应用基于Zigbee技术的无线镇痛泵系统的设计与应用 ON划词翻译ON实时翻译基于Zigbee技术的无线镇痛泵系统的设计与应用 Design and application of wireless analgesia pump system based on Zigbee Technology
The managing money of future
- Your money is a huge part of your life. It can determine what you can do and where you can go. Learning how to manage your money the right way is an important step toward taking control of your life. Understand where your money is coming from, where
- Research paper regarding Pv islanding issue in pdf
- Algorithm development starts in MATLAB, Lab-view, C and JAVA which uses complex floating point arithmetic. These algorithms get transfer to hardware implementation team. Then the hardware design teams implement this abstract algorithm on the speci
- 蚁群算法原理的仿真研究,可了解其算法基本原理及核心公式-Simulation Research on the principle of ant colony algorithm
- 本文详细介绍了铁路调度指挥系统和软件需求分析的概念;详细分析了系统的业务需求、包括运行图功能、信息采集与显示功能、调度命令功能、系统管理功能等;分析了系统的网络与安全需求以及其他需求等。-This paper describes the concept of railway dispatching system and software requirements analysis analyzing the detail of the business requirements, includi
- 在这篇文章中, 为了得到一组长期的、统计可靠的数据集,对深水(大于100米)记录进行了评估。-In this article, a collection of deep water (>lOO m) wave record.s was assessed to create a long-term, statistically reliable data set.
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