Splice out the voiced plosive “b” in theword “be” and synthesize aword with an increase in the
voice onset time of the “b.” What is the perceptual effect? Is it possible to transform the voiced
plosive “b” to the unvoiced plosive “p” with this change in the voiced onset time? Consider
attributes such as vocal cord vibration and aspiration. (In splicing, display the waveform and
spectrogram of the word “be” and use the MATLAB function ginput.m.) Optional: If your
transformed sound does not sound like a “p” then, again considering vocal cord vibration and
aspiration, make a more accurate transformation.
voice onset time of the “b.” What is the perceptual effect? Is it possible to transform the voiced
plosive “b” to the unvoiced plosive “p” with this change in the voiced onset time? Consider
attributes such as vocal cord vibration and aspiration. (In splicing, display the waveform and
spectrogram of the word “be” and use the MATLAB function ginput.m.) Optional: If your
transformed sound does not sound like a “p” then, again considering vocal cord vibration and
aspiration, make a more accurate transformation.
New Folder/
New Folder/exercise319b.m
New Folder (2)/
New Folder (2)/exercise319b.m
New Folder/
New Folder/exercise319b.m
New Folder (2)/
New Folder (2)/exercise319b.m