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轴承故障国内外比较好的文章,用于轴承故障的分析与检测(Good articles at home and abroad about bearing fault are used for analysis and detection of bearing fault.)
相关搜索: 轴承故障 定子电流



分类重点\IEEE1 0 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\A Detection Method for Induction Motor Bar Fault Using Sidelobes Leakage Phenomenon of the Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform.pdf 3007692 2017-05-15
分类重点\IEEE1\A Diagnostic Method of Simultaneous Open-Switch Faults in Inverter-Fed Linear Induction Motor Drive for Reliability Enhancement.pdf 3288198 2017-05-15
分类重点\IEEE1\A Fault-Tolerant Permanent-Magnet Traction Module for Subway Applications.pdf 1082231 2017-05-15
分类重点\IEEE1\A High-Fidelity Computationally Efficient Transient Model of Interior Permanent-Magnet Machine With Stator Turn Fault.pdf 2578119 2017-05-15
分类重点\IEEE1\A Novel Bearing Condition Monitoring Method in Induction Motors Based on Instantaneous Frequency of Motor Voltage.pdf 2897830 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\A Novel Ferrite SMDS Spoke-Type BLDC Motor for PV Bore-Well Submersible Water Pumps.pdf 4189687 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\A Universal High-Frequency Three-Phase Electric-Motor Model Suitable for the Delta- and Star-Winding Connections.pdf 662715 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Advances in Electrical Machine- Power Electronic- and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection State of the Art.pdf 1218149 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Application of the Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator to the Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors.pdf 738566 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Bearing Currents and Shaft Voltage Reduction in Dual-Inverter-Fed Open-End Winding Induction Motor With Reduced CMV PWM Methods.pdf 1726664 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Bearing Fault Detection by a Novel Condition-Monitoring Scheme Based on Statistical-Time Features and Neural Networks.pdf 1697022 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Bearing Fault Model for Induction Motor With Externally Induced Vibration.pdf 1445250 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Current Noise Cancellation for Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Time-Shifting.pdf 513694 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Detection and Diagnosis of Faults in Induction Motor Using an Improved Artificial Ant Clustering Technique.pdf 877330 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Detection of Localized Bearing Faults in Induction Machines by Spectral Kurtosis and Envelope Analysis of Stator Current.pdf 1479518 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Fault-Tolerant Design Considerations and Control Strategies for Aerospace Drives.pdf 820496 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Fault Diagnosis Using Effective Envelope Analysis and Denoising on a General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit.pdf 2500792 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Hybrid Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM for Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters for Variable Speed Induction Drives.pdf 801580 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Induction Machine Bearing Fault Detection by Means of Statistical Processing of the Stray Flux Measurement.pdf 1171278 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Induction Machines Fault Detection Based on Subspace Spectral Estimation.pdf 1254064 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Introduction to the special section on advances in diagnosis for electrical machines- power electronics- and drives - Part I.pdf 114604 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Investigation of Vibration Signatures for Multiple Fault Diagnosis in Variable Frequency Drives Using Complex Wavelets.pdf 820441 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Motor Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Trace Ratio Linear Discriminant Analysis.pdf 1485256 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\New Passive Filter Design Method for Overvoltage Suppression and Bearing Currents Mitigation in a Long Cable Based PWM Inverter-Fed Motor Drive System.pdf 2042408 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\Reduction of Output Common Mode Voltage Using a Novel SVM Implementation in Matrix Converters for Improved Motor Lifetime.pdf 2512165 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE1\zSlices-Based General Type-2 Fuzzy Fusion of Support Vector Machines with Application to Bearing Fault Detection.pdf 2219104 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2 0 2017-05-18
分类重点\IEEE2\Direct Comparison of Induction Motor and Line-Start IPM Synchronous Motor Characteristics for Semi-Hermetic Compressor Drives.pdf 1028076 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Distinct Fault Analysis of Induction Motor Bearing using Frequency Spectrum Determination and Support Vector Machine.pdf 1064539 2017-05-18
分类重点\IEEE2\Effect of Drive System Component Compatibility on Motor Vibration.pdf 1539588 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Electrical Discharge and Its Impact on Drivetrains of Wind Turbines.pdf 861974 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\High-Frequency Induction Machine Modeling for Common Mode Current and Bearing Voltage Calculation.pdf 1086817 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Hybrid Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM for Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters for Variable Speed Induction Drives.pdf 801580 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Induction Motor Bearing Fault Analysis Using a Root-MUSIC Method.pdf 1228499 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Industrialization of AMB Systems With Standard Drive Technology.pdf 1515995 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\New Testing Method for Large High-Speed Induction Motors.pdf 680351 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Practical Implementation of Dual-Purpose No-Voltage Drives for Bearingless Motors.pdf 3028254 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Premature Wear and Recurring Bearing Failures in an Inverter-Driven Induction Motor-Part I Investigation of the Problem.pdf 1306075 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Premature Wear and Recurring Bearing Failures in an Inverter-Driven Induction Motor-Part II The Proposed Solution.pdf 1335995 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Reduction of Common-Mode Voltage in Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives Using Predictive Control Techniques.pdf 1444904 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Robust detection of incipient faults in VSI-fed induction motors using quality control charts.pdf 311274 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\The Use of the Modified Prony-s Method for Rotor Speed Estimation in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors.pdf 2317268 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE2\Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor Options.pdf 1666588 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4 0 2017-05-19
分类重点\IEEE4\A Spectrum Synch Technique for Induction Motor Health Condition Monitoring.pdf 964278 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\An Efficient Hilbert-Huang Transform-based Bearing Faults Detection in Induction Machines.pdf 2173321 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Application of the Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator to the Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors.pdf 738566 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Closure to Discussion on -Oil Whirl Fault Modeling- Simulation and Detection in Sleeve Bearings of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors-.pdf 191709 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Direct Comparison of Induction Motor and Line-Start IPM Synchronous Motor Characteristics for Semi-Hermetic Compressor Drives.pdf 1028076 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Discussion of -Oil-Whirl Fault Modeling- Simulation- and Detection in Sleeve Bearings of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors-.pdf 99748 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Electrical Monitoring of Mechanical Looseness for Induction Motors With Sleeve Bearings.pdf 1034517 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Evaluation of Slot-Embedded Partial Electrostatic Shield for High-Frequency Bearing Current Mitigation in Inverter-Fed Induction Motors.pdf 1728424 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\High-Frequency Induction Machine Modeling for Common Mode Current and Bearing Voltage Calculation.pdf 1086817 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Incipient Bearing Damage Monitoring of 940-h Variable Speed Drive System Operation.pdf 2724814 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Induction Motor Bearing Fault Analysis Using a Root-MUSIC Method.pdf 1228499 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Industrialization of AMB Systems With Standard Drive Technology.pdf 1515995 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Internal Model Control for a Bearingless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Inverse System Method.pdf 1299522 2017-05-16
分类重点\IEEE4\Oil-Whirl Fault Modeling- Simulation- and Detection in Sleeve Bearings of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors.pdf 743089 2017-05-16


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