文件名称:Automatic landing system can be remote control led bannerd
全自动可遥控旗帜升降系统以AVR单片机为核心,由PWM对电机进行变频调速,高精度光电编码器测速,闭环式电路控制。能够利用按键输入相应的指令控制旗帜的升降,还可以实现在特定位置停留的功能。利用LCD可以显示旗帜的实时高度和相应的控制命令,用LED指示旗帜是否处于半旗状态,具有语音提示报警功能,并可利用无线模块实现遥控功能,准确均匀地实现旗帜的升降-Automatic landing system can be remote-controlled flag to AVR microcontroller core of the PWM VVVF motor, high-precision optical encoder gun, closed-loop control circuit. Enter the appropriate button to take advantage of the command control of the rise and fall of the flag, but also can stay in the function of a specific location. LCD can display the banner of the use of real-time high and the corresponding control command, the LED is directed at the flag half-mast, and alarm functions with voice prompts, and the use of wireless remote control function module, to achieve uniform and accurate take-off and landing flag
毕业论文 全自动可遥控旗帜升降系统的设计与制作.doc