- 采用工程化管理思想运用于人工BP网络分析系统,从而能应对现实应用中复杂的分析需求;集成了多种BP算法,根据分析领域、行业特点及具体情况选择合适的算法进而达到最佳的预测分析效果。产品面向最终用户与二次开发者,既为最终用户提供商品化的分析系统集成环境,又提供了开放性的接口、文档面向二次开发者以灵活地定制开发更为专业并与原有系统无缝集成的人工智能应用。~..~-The use of project management thinking BP network analysis applied to a
- Radar can determine an object’s location, keep a record of past locations, and can give an estimate as to where this object, or target, will be. Radar measures a target by emitting an electromagnetic signal and measuring the reflection off of the tar
- 针对FLIR公司生产的红外热成像设备的接口示例源码,基于FLIR公司提供的SDK。 FLIR 公司是国际民用红外热成像市场产品最大供应商,热像仪应用领域十分广泛。 功能: 基于FLIR提供的SDK的Demo,完成对热像仪的所有应用操作。-Produced for FLIR infrared thermal imaging device interface source code examples, provided by the company based on FLIR SDK.
- Funny PHP-based captcha for less frequently used forms: Randomly generates an arithmetical problem (addition and subtraction in the value range of 1 to 25) and then processes this Task to a verbalised word problem (in German, but can be adapted eas
- 基于MATLAB画残差的全球分布图,通过选择经纬度控制范围。-Global distribution map based on MATLAB paint residuals by selecting control range of longitudes.
- 与常见文件管理使用的文件名索引不同,本软件基于易语言,能够对文件内容进行识别。提供识别关键字设置接口,基于识别关键字对多类文件内容进行扫描后,统计匹配文件路径信息,并以excel文件格式输出。此外,为了提高系统运行效率,还为用户提供扫描文件类型设置、扫描范围(本机硬盘)设置接口。-Index common file name and file management are using, the software based on VB, able to identify the contents
- 基于区间收缩原理和黄金分割法的一种一维优化算法-Based on a range of one-dimensional optimization algorithm Contraction principle and golden section