- 水面倒影.虽然跟用photoshop处理过的水面倒影相差很大,但实现后,一定会给你带来成就感,适合初学的朋友-surface reflection. Although it used photoshop handled the surface reflection of the great difference, but after realizing must give you a sense of achievement, suitable for beginners friends
- 用java语言做的计算器,有工具栏,菜单栏,其功能几乎与XP系统中的毫无差别-java language to use the calculators, a toolbar, menu bar, with its almost XP system of no difference
- java ejb开发 程序4、语句alter table people add(phone_number varchar2(10)) 的作用是 A 修改表结构 B 为people表添加约束,约束名称是phone_number C 向people表中添加一列,名称是phone_number,数据类型是varchar2,长度是10 D 上述答案均不正确 5、( )BLOB和CLOB的区别在于 A CLOB只能存放字符类型的数据,而BLOB没有任何限制 B BLOB只能存放字符类型的数据,而CLOB没
- 做了一大堆J2EE WEB应用之后,闲来无事决定研究一下桌面应用程序开发。 想了一下干脆做个Java版的星际,研究的对象就是星际的JS山寨版-JS星际。 看了几下,当机立断决定山寨之。。。。 后来经过无数个夜晚的煎熬终于完成了一部分,特来和大家分享一下。 暂时支持采矿,攻击,寻路,局域网对战. 虽然只能算一个Demo,但是用到了很多Java基础技术和算法: Java2D,双缓冲,A星寻路,粒子系统,动画效果,处理图片,Swing ui ,UDP,T
- jQuery滑动盒 1. 智能判断向方向滑动 2. 提供键盘支持-jQuery MoveBox Many of the concepts presented in those tutorials are the same with this slider, so I’m not going to throw a lot of source code at you this time. The big difference here is that there are buttons to c
- 有两个集合,A集合内容为:{1、2、3、4},B集合内容为:{1、2、5、6},两个集合的对称差定义为A Δ B = (A − B) ∪(B − A),上述A、B两集合的对称差为{3、4、5、6}。编写一个程序,用散列集求两个集合A、B的对称差集合,即求。-There are two sets, A collection of content: {1,2,3,4}, B contents of the collection is: {1,2,5,6}, the symmetr
- 输入12个月的降水量,输出这12个月的平均降雨量,并且输出每个月的降雨量与平均降雨量之间的差值 * 并且按照降雨量的多少由多到少排序,并且输出排序之后的结果-Enter the 12-month precipitation, the output of the 12-month average rainfall, and the output of the monthly rainfall and average rainfall is the difference between* an
- struts2.0得例子,主要是实现struts得配置环境已经action得控制,与1.0得区别很大哦,可以跑起来-struts2.0 have examples, the main struts to achieve a configuration environment has a control action, with 1.0 the difference between a great Oh, can run up
- FileWriter与BufferedWriter的一个对比小程序。可以在程序中看到两种写文件方式在速度上的不同,这个速度差异以写入时间的差别显示出来-FileWriter and BufferedWriter a comparison of small procedures. Can be seen in the procedure to write two papers in terms of speed difference, the speed difference in the tim
- 在java中应有到几个日期比较的函数(两个日期比较相差多少年、多少月、多少日)-In java should be compared to several date function (compare the difference between two dates many years, the number of months, the number of days)
- 数据持久化,与Hibernate大致相同,但在性能上有很大的区别,详细可阅读代码。-Data Persistence with Hibernate or less the same, but in performance there was a great difference in detail can read the code.
- 这是一个功能较为完善的Java记事本程序,希望对大家有所帮助。-It s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they
- 时间类型转换,各种时间计算,两日期相差数字,数字形式转换-Conversion time, all kinds of time, figure the difference between the two dates, in digital form conversion
- 基于Jcreator的计算器小程序,用到了动作事件监听器和对浮点数的处理及对负号和减号的区别,注释详细-Calculator based on small Jcreator procedures, use the action event listener and the handling of floating point and negative sign and a minus sign difference between the detailed notes
- 此文件有状态会话Bean 大家体验下合无状态会话Bean的区别 -This paper we experience a state of conversation of Bean Stateless Session Bean All the difference
- equals与==的区别,JAVA实验代码-the difference between equals and ==, JAVA experimental code
- 使用java编写的GUI的黑白棋游戏,搜索算法采用经典的博弈树,并在此基础上做了大量优化,我的评估函数采用了Simon M. Lucas 和 Thomas P. Runarsson 在其合作发表的 Temporal Difference Learning Versus Co-Evolution for Acquiring Othello Position Evaluation 中通过对比即时差分学习(TDL,Temporal Difference Learning)和协同进化(CEL,Co-
- JSP 页面的元素 taglib指令 JSP中include指令和include行为区别 -Taglib element JSP page directive in JSP acts include instructions and include the difference between
- Difference among the elements in the row of the matrix printed in the modified matrix.
- 编写一个程序,计算一维数组中最大值、最小值及其差值-Write a program that calculates the maximum, the minimum, and the difference between a one-dimensional array