- C#知识库是在学习C#时积累的一些知识。本软件用C#编写,运行需要Microsoft .NET框架支持。打开树状节点,双击可查看知识
- 这是一个介绍Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 C# 编程的一个教学讲稿(西班牙文)-on Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 C# Programming Teaching a scr ipt (Spanish)
- 从 Microsoft .NET Framework 精简版访问电话 -from Microsoft.NET Framework version telephone visit
SerialPort 编程介绍
- 在Visual Studio 6.0中编写串口通讯程序,一般都使用Microsoft Communication Control(简称MSComm)的通讯控件,只要通 过对此控件的属性和事件进行相应编程操作,就可以轻松地实现串口通讯。但在Microsoft.Net技术广泛应用的今天,Visual Studio.Net没有将此控件加入控件库,所以人们采用了许多方法在Visual Studio.Net来编写串口通讯程序:第一种方法是通过采用Visual Studio 6.0中原来的MSComm控件这
Programming Microsoft Windows CE.NET Third Edition
- Programming Microsoft Windows CE.NET Third Edition.CHM
- 第1章.doc 我们使用过许多考试系统,它们是怎样实现的?尤其是如何自动评分?本书将带领大家完成一个考试系统,同时以该系统为线索,逐步掌握MicroSoft .NET平台的Visual Studio .NET软件开发工具。 一个软件项目的开发过程,可以粗略地划分为分析、设计、实施、部署、维护等几个阶段,本书介绍的大案例将按照这一过程来展开,但本书主要篇幅都是为程序员而不是软件工程师准备的,关于本书未详细讨论的内容,读者可以查阅本书参考文献。 对软件项目来说,先有分析、设计,然后才选择合
- C#知识库是在学习C#时积累的一些知识。本软件用C#编写,运行需要Microsoft .NET框架支持。打开树状节点,双击可查看知识-C# knowledge library is when studies C# accumulates. This software compiles with C#, the movement needs the Microsoft NET frame support. Opens the tree shape pitch point, double-cl
- 关于Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4 架构与技术分析的文档-On the Microsoft. NET Pet Shop 4 architecture and technical analysis document
- 浅谈VB.NET的密码算法及其在信息安全中的应用 Simple Discussion on Cryptology Arithmetric of VB.NET and Its Usage in Information Secuirity ,介绍了Microsoft的最新开发工具Visual Basic 2005(简称VB.NET)中与密码算法相关的System.Security.Cryptography命名空间(简称SSC).举例说明了利用SSC提供的类编写信息安全程序的方法,其中包括对
- A great book (Sam s) laying out an introduction to the Visual Basic.net framework and how to program using it. Giving guidance and rationale for using Microsoft s .NET framework.-A great book (Sam s) laying out an introduction to the Visual Basic.net
- This document give brief idea to the developers and help them to choose C# or VB which both are supported by Microsoft .Net platform. One this document is read one can make focus on the technology suites their ski-This document give brief idea to the
- ASP.NET ADO.NET的相关学习资料 ASP.NET.AJAX程序设计.第II卷.客户端Microsoft.AJAX.Library与异步通信层》.-ASP.NET ADO.NET ASP.NET.AJAX learning materials related to program design. Volume II,. Microsoft.AJAX.Library client and asynchronous communication layer. "
- 这篇文章将向你介绍Microsoft.NET Framework中的CodeDom命名空间并且让你在应用中使用这种新技术。你将学习CodeDom的优点、缺点、命名空间,最后使用CodeDom来完成一个编程练习。-This article will introduce you to the Microsoft.net Framework CodeDom namespace and let you use this new technology. You will learn CodeDom adv
- Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft .NET
- 这是一个关于.net的投票系统的一部分操作文档,觉得好的可以来找我要-This is a part of the voting system. Net operating document, I want to feel good can come
- F#是由微软发展的为微软.NET语言提供运行环境的程序设计语言。它是基于Ocaml的,而Ocaml是基于ML函数程序设计语言的。 这是一个用于显示.NET在不同编程语言间互通的程序设计微软计划将慢慢整合F#至.NET平台并使F#成为.NET平台的计算辅助语言。-F# is developed by Microsoft for Microsoft. NET language runtime environment provides programming language. It is based
- 此文中有关于C#的相关学习资料,是我们的实训内容,也是江苏微软的学习总结,可以-This article has about C# related learning materials, is our training content, also in Jiangsu Microsoft' s summary of the study, you can see
Microsoft .NET 图像编程
- Pro .Net Graphics Programming Building custom controls using GDI+ Eric White Apress
- The ImageConvert utility converts files of pictures in the C-like array of values. The utility creates a header file which then uses in a device firmware source code. The utility imports the data from files BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, ICO to colour formats
microsoft visual C++ 6
- Microsoft Visual C++ (often abbreviated as MSVC or VC++) is a commercial (free version available), integrated development environment (IDE) product from Microsoft for the C, C++, and C++/CLI programming languages. It features tools for developing and