- 蓝海战略要求企业突破传统的血腥竞争所形成的“红海”,拓展新的非竞争 性的市场空间。与已有的、通常呈收缩趋势的竞争市场需求不同,蓝海战略考虑 的是如何创造需求,突破竞争。本书不仅仅对企业思维进行挑战,而且告诉它们 怎样达到目标。首先,我们引入一整套分析工具与框架,告诉读者如何系统性地 应对挑战;其次,我们阐明了若干原则,以区分蓝海战略和传统竞争性战略。-blue water strategy requires enterprises bloody break with tradit
- 银行业技术外包风险管理,论文质量很高,系统地阐述了金融业技术外包的过程管理!-banking technology outsourcing risk management, high quality papers, systematically expounded on the financial and technical outsourcing process management!
- 系统阐述了捷联惯导系统的基本原理及其仿真数学模型,和利用MATLAB进行仿真是的详细步骤,Systematically expounded SINS of the basic principles of mathematical model and simulation, and the use of MATLAB simulation is the detailed steps
- 本文系统地介绍了TD-SCDMA通信技术的基本原理,适合希望对TD-SCDMA用到的技术有全面了解但又不用很深入的朋友,仅限个人学习之用。-This article systematically introduced TD-SCDMA communication technologies, the basic principles for hope on the TD-SCDMA technology used, but do not have a comprehensive understan
- A cylindrical wave expansion method is developed to obtain the scattering field for an ideal two-dimensional cylindrical invisibility cloak. A near-ideal model of the invisibility cloak is set up to solve the boundary problem at the inner boundar
- 独立成分分析( I C A) 是一项把混合信号分解成具有统计独立性成分的新技术 。I C A近年已在生物医 域的信号分离中展示 了很好的应用前景 。 我们比较系统地介绍了 I C A的基本原理 、 主要算法 、 应用和 究的发展方向,旨在进一步推动有关的理论与应用研究工作。-Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a decomposition of the mixed-signal components into a statistical in
- 《软件工程应用实践》电子书下册, 本书全面系统地阐述软件工程所涉及到的各种概念、方法和新技术,重点突出了软件工程在实践环节中的应用。 -" Application of Software Engineering" e-books under the book, this book comprehensively and systematically involved in the software engineering to a variety of concepts,
- 软件工程应用实践》电子书上册, 本书全面系统地阐述软件工程所涉及到的各种概念、方法和新技术,重点突出了软件工程在实践环节中的应用。-Application of software engineering practice of " e-books on the list, this book comprehensively and systematically involved in the software engineering to a variety of concepts, m
- 网山购物本系统是市场上最流行的超市上常用的系统之一,它主要包含以下几个模块:系统权限的设定、原始数据录入、数据的汇总及查询等。从而,实现对进货、库存、销售及员工信息等实现全面、动态、及时的管理。 本文系统的分析了软件开发的背景及过程;首先介绍了软件的开发环境,其次介绍了本软件的详细设计过程:数据库的设计、各个模块的设计和实现,以及具体界面的设计和功能。最后对在本软件开发过程中的问题进行了总结。 通过阅读该论文,读者可以了解到“超市管理系统”的规划、设计过程,掌握系统的功能。同时对当前比较
- 系统地讲述了代码的优化过程,是编程的好帮手,可以从书中得到启发。-Systematically about the code of the optimization process is a good helper program, you can be inspired from the book.
- 系统介绍了代码检查、走查与评审,测试用例的设计,模块测试,系统测试、调试等主题。-Systematically introduce the code inspection, take the check and review, test case design, module testing, system testing, debugging and other topics.
- 火车订票系统。。。订票。。退票。。打印账单和取票通知单-The train subscribes a ticket systematically. . . Ticket-booking. . Return a ticket. . Print a bill and fetch ticket notification
- 本书的目的就是将面向对象软件的设计经验作为设计模式记录下来。每一个设计模式 系统地命名、解释和评价了面向对象系统中一个重要的和重复出现的设计。我们的目标是将 设计经验以人们能够有效利用的形式记录下来。鉴于此目的,我们编写了一些最重要的设计 模式,并以编目分类的形式将它们展现出来-The purpose of this book is to experience in the design of object-oriented software design patterns, as
- 本文简略地叙述了柔性制造系统的发展历程,由此引出柔性制造这一概念,并阐述了柔性制造系统的一系列优点。然后系统地提及推动该技术发展的相关科技,通过对这些技术的认知,进入对柔性制造系统发展趋势的初步了解。 关键词:数控,柔性制造,发展。 -This article briefly describes the course of development of flexible manufacturing systems, this leads to the concept of flexibl
- 本文全面系统的介绍了电子电路中隔离的应用与原理及其必要性。-This paper systematically introduces the application of electronic circuits isolation with principle and necessity.
- This very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.-This is very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.
- This very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.-This is very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.
- This very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.-This is very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.
- This very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.-This is very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.
- This very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.-This is very good book for PIC chips (MPLAB MICROCHIP company) programing. Step by step systematically.